We provide you with answers to your questions

in no time

at all times

Fully Automated • 24/7 • All Audiences • All Languages • Based on your information sources


More than 50+
assistants provided




Responded Requests


Tailored Solutions, Varied Use Cases

Delivering tailored solutions for varied data complexities. Dive into our various Use Cases for intelligent insights.

Customer Support Icon
Customer Support

Automated multilingual 24/7 support for your Contact Center Agents; Autonomous WebChat and any written inbound request handling.

Internal Support Icon
Internal Support

Curated internal knowledge base for specified user groups to get multilingual 24/7 access to all information within seconds (e. g. building projects, service technicians, field force, product management, Reply to tender/ RFQ).

Internal Knowledge Management Icon
Internal Knowledge Management

Simplify your knowledge management. Upload any information in any format. No Knowledge Articles required. Search result is the answer to your question, not a selection of possible information & articles to chose from.

Customer Support Icon
Customer Support

Automated multilingual 24/7 support for your Contact Center Agents; Autonomous WebChat and any written inbound request handling.

Internal Support Icon
Internal Support

Curated internal knowledge base for specified user groups to get multilingual 24/7 access to all information within seconds (e. g. building projects, service technicians, field force, product management, Reply to tender/ RFQ).

Internal Knowledge Management Icon
Internal Knowledge Management

Simplify your knowledge management. Upload any information in any format. No Knowledge Articles required. Search result is the answer to your question, not a selection of possible information & articles to chose from.

Our Full Servie

We consider ourselves a seamless extension of our customers, continuing to support and accompany them even after a successful implementation. We love successful customers and work diligently with them to enhance process support through AI. Our customers will benefit continually from technological advancements. Especially in AI, progress moves very fast. Stay ahead of the pack with Intellegam.

Process Integration

Data Quality

Interface Design

We help you to define the most effective way to support your processes. We define with you the key KPIs and create reports to proof the benefits and to improve the AI support.

We integrate into your processes, workflows and automated communications where you need them.

We support you to improve your data quality and to curate the most relevant and efficient knowledge source.

We integrate your source of information in the most effective way. This can be a file transfer (e.g. pdf) or an interface to our system (e.g. confluence, any system and database).

“The future of work lies in the harmonious coexistence of humans and AI, where the latter become our best allies rather than threats. This symbiosis allows us to focus on the creative and challenging aspects of our work, while AI takes over the routine tasks that slow us down.”
The Intellegam Team


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Start with a Proof-of-Concept today!

We will set up your individual assistant within a few weeks and help you increase your company efficiency through AI enabled knowledge dependant processes.

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